the un-poem

words bubble up

jumble in my heart / stuck in my chest

dying to break the surface

come out in burbling spurts

chunks of deep dark past / pieces of new good present

anger/ love

broken / restored

stubborn/ changed

heart sick/ healed

tears that I used to cry for myself / now I cry for others

trapped / escaped and free

am I really what you say I am?

can I really do what you said I can do?

puzzle pieces

fitting together to make a picture I’ve never seen

but that You painted of my life before I was born

every single thing working together to create

this beautiful tapestry of my life

using the pain / using the hurt

letting it go

been forgiven / so I’ve forgiven

been forgiven / so I forgive

was loved first / so i love

harder /stronger /fiercer than ever before

quiet lioness

propelled into today by yesterday

waiting for tomorrow with expectancy

thankful for what was, what is and what’s to come

and I am


Fresh White page…

blank canvas under my burning finger tips

eyes close

fingers feel

heart beats



thoughts paused

thoughts caught

stuck on to the paper

moments in time

harpooned into stillness

captured for

turning you over in my palm

feeling the smooth grittiness of memories

long forgotten

smashed flat

pressed away in darkest deepest corners

never to be remembered

hope exposed

life untold

dreams smoke

oozed and seep through pores

too gaping to be refined

words jumble

minds entwined

wounds heal

love resounds

eyes opened

bright page

the cats meow


so that’s it for me today… just a bunch of random nothing and everything all here on the page. my daily soul expose to my followers…

My Weirdest Pet Peeve

Filing Cabinet Open drawer

I have this thing about things that are left open. Cabinet doors, drawers, closet doors, jar tops, boxes. It just really bothers me when they aren't closed. And I have to stop everything that I'm doing and close everything. I can't even cook with cabinet doors open that I'm going into often. I have to close them every time.

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